• Ein neuer Mitbewohner kommt ins Haus -  Fragen?!

  • Welpenuntersuchung, Kontrolle des Muttertieres

  • Impfmanagement,  Parasitenprophylaxe, Chippen

  • Ernährungsberatung




  • Regelmäßige Kontrollen machen ein frühes bzw. rechtzeitiges Erkennen von Krankheiten erst möglich! Daher sind die jährlichen Check-ups im Zuge einer Routine- oder Impfuntersuchung absolut anzuraten.

  • Proben / Blutabnahme 

  • Routineuntersuchung

  • Probenentnahme (Blut, Biopsie, ...)

  • Laboruntersuchungen

  • Impfungen und Parasitenprophylaxe

  • Chippen & Registrieren

  • Dauertherapien (Infusionen)

  • Ohren-, Krallen-, Fell-Kontrolle, Nägelschneiden, Scheren

  • Augen- und Zahn-Kontrolle

...und vieles mehr


  • Routineuntersuchungen

  •  Probenentnahme (Blut, Biopsie; uvm.)  Laboruntersuchungen

  • Impfungen und Parasitenprophylaxe

  •  Chippen & Registrieren

  • Dauertherapien (Infusionen)

  •  Ohren/Krallen/Fell -Kontrolle, Nägelschneiden, Scheren

  • Augen/Zahn -Kontrolle

  • Sterbebegleitung                                                    ...  und  vieles  mehr

Advantages ...



House calls help minimize stress to pets making a visit with the vet a much more enjoyable experience.

No kennels, no transportation, no nausea, no contact to other sick animals...



House calls are a great option to consider when seeking veterinary care for your pet.


Schedule a visit when it is convenient for you.

House calls are perfect for busy parents, individuals that work full days, the elderly, or those with mobility or transportation concerns. The  visit includes a complete physical exam and personalized consultation to help establish the best treatment plan for your pet. Whether it is treatment, hospice care, or euthanasia a consultation can help put your mind at ease knowing you are making the best decision for your pet.


 A house call allows me to have time to focus on you and your pet without having to rush through the visit to get to the next appointment. 

Moreover, I get medical parameters from a relaxed pet.

 A house call allows me to have time to focus on you and your pet without having to rush through the visit to get to the next appointment. 

Moreover, I get medical parameters from a relaxed pet.

Ich verstehe mich als Allgemeinmedizinerin - die spezielleren Bereiche überlasse ich, wie der Humanmediziner auch,  gerne den Spezialisten… Dafür habe ich speziell ausgebildete Kollegen in den einzelnen Bezirken, die in verschiedenen Fachbereichen wie Ultraschall und  bildgebender Diagnostik, Zahnmedizin, Chirurgie etc. tätig und sehr erfahren sind.

Kooperationen :



The last house call...

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

The last house call...

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "

Euthanizing a pet is the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to make. Knowing what to expect can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Some owners choose to hold the pet in their lap during the procedure, while others prefer the favorite pet bed or a favorite spot in the yard. The most important thing is the comfort of you and your pet. I will discuss options such as transportation  or crematory services with you so that all arrangements can be made ahead of time. "