Haustierärztin Mag. Nicola Jöstl

Born 1976 in Vienna, I studied at University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna . Several Volunteer- activities, for instance with ARCHELON, the Seaturtle  Protection Society in Greece.


While  and after my study, I worked for a Fundraising agency for 10 years and gained experience with NGOs like Greenpeace, WWF, 4 Paws, Global 2000, WDCS, AI, ProJuventute and many more. 


 After finishing university I made an Internship in Dubai at the Dubai Falcon Hospital, where I worked with falcons, exotic and wild animals, after that  at a private vet ambulance in Dubai and a couple of ambulances in and around Vienna.



Since 2006 I am " DIE HAUSTIERÄRZTIN" in Vienna


In addition to the daily routine, I'm working at two publications concerning avian flu and an analysis of Encephalomyocarditis- virus-outbreak at a private zoo in the United Arab Emirates for my doctor degree.